INDONESIA in December 2008: visiting family and friends, plus some days of beach vacation



Ready for his first flight ever: Milan, the world traveller!


On the way from Germany to Indonesia: changing planes in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)


After nearly 9 months alive, Milan finally meets his Grandmother in Bolon, Java, Indonesia





Java's youngest Becak-rider?  And a new friend, the big bird:




Ricefield work: hard labour...




One week in Bali, Indonesia's most touristy island...


Sanur beach:




Mas Wido, Maria's brother, shows Milan the right head gear of Bali:



Holiday between traditional offerings, Hindu temples and ... the beach!



Amazing, the water is coming out without interruption, it has to be examined... water fun in Ubud, Bali


Kecak Dance, an amazing performance!





Christmas celebrations in central Java, partly with Milan's Great Grandmother and the village kids...


YES, you see what you see: pink and green and orange chicken, oh and there are also a few blue and violet ones...




Milan, a famous tile brand in Indonesia... and who has to shave here?




Relaxing in the "Childrens' Executive Lounge":


Finally, we spent some hours at Parangtritis Beach on the South Coast of Java:





Do you think Milan was a great help when we had to pack our suitcases???

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